National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 7月1日 15時19分

Video by @paulnicklen // These wolves, with whom I have spent some of my most incredible days in the wild are about to be killed by the British Columbia Government as they have come into conflict with humans. Raising a litter isn't just a job for the parents. All the wolves in a pack help to take care of the newest pups—feeding, watching over them, and of course playing with them as they grow up. In small packs, survival of every member is critical. Our actions today will decide the fates of these wolves, and for the future generations of wolves that are just opening their eyes to the world. If we hope to hear wolves calling to each other in the distance or have the great fortune to catch a glimpse of these magnificent animals, we must find it in our hearts and in our actions to coexist. To learn a lot more about this critical issue, please #followme this week on @paulnicklen. The lives of these wolves depend on it. Please take action with @raincoasted and @sea_legacy to save BC’s coastal wolves, specifically a very special pack on Vargas Island. #savevargaswolves. With@Cristina Mittermeier.


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