アリー・ブルックのインスタグラム(allybrooke) - 6月28日 02時42分

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOLO!!! @ローレン・ハウレギ The last of my children ? lol. Oh my goodness. 20! Ahhhhhh. Welcome to the club, honey! So where do I begin? You know we have been through so much together. Stories for days. We have stood tall and conquered so much that came our way. Rose above it. We have shed so many tears together. We have fallen to the floor laughing together. We have walked this crazy journey together. We have seen each other grow together. Thank you for being a friend to me. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for being a voice. Thank you for being your firey self. Thank you for your passion for justice. Thank you for the laughs we've shared. Thank you for helping me in a time I needed it most...I will never forget that...you helped me navigate through a pivotal part of my life...and for that I'll always be grateful ❤️ You know whenever you need me, I'll be here. I remember having banana bread pudding and creme brulee right after we got formed, curious what the future held...and now look. I love you so much Lauren. Now let's have fun in BRAZIL! God bless you girly, and happy birthday!!! ?


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