ジェイミー・オリヴァーのインスタグラム(jamieoliver) - 6月23日 01時27分

Hi guys like many of you I've been thinking long and hard about the right way to vote in tomorrow's EU referendum. The most important thing is we all vote and have our say and what ever happens there is still lots of work to do.I kept an open mind but now for me and with out question I'm voting IN.... I'm IN as a very proud Brit and European. IN as an Employer of over 3000 dedicated hardworking people... I'm IN as a father who wants my kids to grow up in what I believe will be a more stable and robust country with more opportunity to travel and learn and Im IN as a passionate campaigner of Child Health at a truly pivotal moment in time where I think real change and joined up thinking to have a healthier more prosperous country is closer than ever before. From my experience I simply don't have faith or confidence in the individuals heading up the Out campaign to see this through. The EU isn't perfect but I think we're stronger together lots of love jamie oxx


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