ジェイミー・オリヴァーのインスタグラム(jamieoliver) - 6月19日 17時34分

Purple Pee .....very funny So the kids didn't believe me that Beetroot made there Pee go bright Purple, so I put an end to that!!! ?✌?️I made a beetroot, banana, cherry and coco Nibb smoothy for breakfast ( tasted pretty decent 7/10 might need to work on it a bit ) waited few hours and bobs your uncle loomo purple pee the kids went mad!!! Very very funny indeed....some times the simple things in life are the most fun.... So if your shopping today but some fresh beets man I love them raw in salads roasted are amazing just get amongst it.....The reason for this happening is the cool pigment in the beets can not be fully metabolised in the body hence the colour being still vivid good times .... Oh and it's not just the pee it's the ?to!! But I thought I'd leave that as a surprise ...Need to dream up the next experiment now joxxx


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