Livのインスタグラム(livlogolding) - 6月15日 19時46分

I went deeper in my backbend practice today to mend my aching heart. ??? Why? Love is to souls what gravity is to matter. It is a force whose purpose is to unite, to bring together, to connect what was before separated from oneness. Falling in love is a sample of what it might feel in the moment we attain enlightenment and return home into the light. Love releases dopamine and make us beautiful. It is contagious and allows us to share our love with others. It fashions creativity, awakens the sleeper, and morphs our dreams. It creates opportunities, opens doors that were cemented, paths that were blocked. I hope you can open your heart to sensitivity and vulnerability too. It's a good thing☺️ #livism ?: @myleneloveyoga #yogamovement #yogalivstyle


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