トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 6月13日 12時09分

I wouldn't know what to say to the people and families affected by this morning's tragedy in #orlando even when I was speaking to friends about it I found myself using hollowed out cliche phrases or I would just resort to long silences I suppose are appropriate in a time of tragedy. I don't have words because there are no words to bring back the dead, heal the wounded, take back the tears, and replace all the hatred and violence with love and acceptance. I don't have words for this. There is no Speech to fix it. But I do know that I'm tired of using the words "yet another" in conjunction with "mass shooting." Please. Please. Let us do what we can to #endgunviolence #regram of @everytown #potus

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