スカイ・フェレイラのインスタグラム(skyferreira) - 6月8日 09時04分

I've posted this quote by David Foster Wallace before. GO VOTE! USE YOUR VOICE! After spending 4 years touring the world, it opened my eyes in so many (obvious) ways. What I'm capable of doing & that I have the right to vote (and so many other things) that I sometimes take fore-granted & others fought for. Your voice isn't something you're given but something you're born with & today is a platform to use it & not have it be drowned out. Take action & be active for the future. I vote for #humanity. Not pure hatred.At this point, the biggest fuck you you can give to the government is taking advantage of it & not giving them complete power...and not being a lazy jerk. Anyways, you still have time so go out & do it ?


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