ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 5月30日 00時47分

Don't lift weights the said... It'll make you look "Manly" they said ??? Don't be afraid to lift weights ladies! There's a difference between how you will look during / post workout to your day to day look. These pictures were taken about 4hrs apart. On the left is straight after a workout, the one on the right is how I look day to day (minus the glam hair & makeup!) So many woman say to me they don't want to lift as they will get too big ? You will NOT get bulky & manly! We don't have anywhere near enough testosterone for that. You will however get lean & strong, improve your health & feel like an absolute powerhouse! ? And who wouldn't want that?! Go lift ladies, it'll change your life ??


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