【MOVIE?】2017年全国で公開 「奥田民生になりたいボーイ・出会う男すべて狂わせるガール(A boy who wished to be Tamio Okuda, A girl who drove all men crazy )」 人気漫画家でコラムニスト渋谷直角氏によるサブカル漫画「奥田民生になりたいボーイ・出会う男すべて狂わせるガール」が、大根仁監督のメガホンで実写映画化されることがわかった。妻夫木聡、水原希子が初共演。“力まないカッコいい大人”な奥田民生に憧れる35歳の雑誌編集者が、アパレル業界で働く魔性の女に一目惚れし、恋の喜びや絶望を味わいもがき苦しむラブコメディ。 超絶美人なファッションプレス・天海あかりを演じるのは水原。「とてもエキセントリックで、すごく危ない匂いを感じさせますが、とてもチャーミングで目が離せないような女の子なので、今から演じるのがとても楽しみです」と男を狂わせるヒロインに挑戦する。 ▶A subculture comic "A boy who wished to be Tamio Okuda, A girl who drove all men crazy" by Chokkaku Shibuya, a popular comic artist and columnist, is going to be a live-action film directed by Hitoshi One. It will be the first time for Satoshi Tsumabuki and Kiko Mizuhara to appear together. This story is about a 35-year-old magazine editor who admires Tamio Okuda(Japanese musician), "a cool easygoing adult." He falls in love with an enchantress who works in clothing industry at first sight. A great love comedy that shows both happiness and hopeless feeling of love. The movie will be released in 2017 in Japan. ▶Kiko Mizuhara will be playing the role of Akari Amami, a super beautiful woman who works for fashion public relations. "She is so eccentric and she seems so dangerous, but she is so charming at the same time. I'm really looking forward to play this role," said Kiko. She is going to play a heroine who drives men crazy. #水原希子 #kikomizuhara #mizuharakiko #kikoxxx #i_am_kiko #beautiful #fashion #model #actress #妻夫木聡 #SatoshiTsumabuki #奥田民生になりたいボーイ出会う男すべて狂わせるガール #movie

k_i_k_o_x_さん(@k_i_k_o_x_)が投稿した動画 -

Kiko Mizuhara Fanstagramのインスタグラム(k_i_k_o_x_) - 5月23日 23時43分

「奥田民生になりたいボーイ・出会う男すべて狂わせるガール(A boy who wished to be Tamio Okuda, A girl who drove all men crazy )」

▶A subculture comic "A boy who wished to be Tamio Okuda, A girl who drove all men crazy" by Chokkaku Shibuya, a popular comic artist and columnist, is going to be a live-action film directed by Hitoshi One. It will be the first time for Satoshi Tsumabuki and Kiko Mizuhara to appear together. This story is about a 35-year-old magazine editor who admires Tamio Okuda(Japanese musician), "a cool easygoing adult." He falls in love with an enchantress who works in clothing industry at first sight. A great love comedy that shows both happiness and hopeless feeling of love. The movie will be released in 2017 in Japan.
▶Kiko Mizuhara will be playing the role of Akari Amami, a super beautiful woman who works for fashion public relations. "She is so eccentric and she seems so dangerous, but she is so charming at the same time. I'm really looking forward to play this role," said Kiko. She is going to play a heroine who drives men crazy.
#水原希子 #kikomizuhara #mizuharakiko #kikoxxx #i_am_kiko #beautiful #fashion #model #actress #妻夫木聡 #SatoshiTsumabuki #奥田民生になりたいボーイ出会う男すべて狂わせるガール #movie


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