イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 5月11日 08時31分

As some of you may know, I care deeply about dolphins. In 2007 I went to Taiji, Japan, to witness the cruel dolphins hunts and slaughters there, but the thing is, dolphins are also being treated cruelly back home. In Australia, many Dolphins are being bred in tiny, chlorinated tanks and made to perform. They never get to know the ocean, many suffer anxiety and mostly they die young.
That is why I'm behind @australiafordolphins efforts to introduce a law to end dolphin captivity.
@australiafordolphins is also working to establish a world first sea pen in Australia, so that captive dolphins can live out the rest of their lives in peace. I invite you stand with me in support of @australiafordolphins campaign.
Let's end the suffering of captive dolphins. Thank You!
#australiansfordolphins #enddolphincaptivity
#ilovedolphins @australiafordolphins
Photo by @thaineave


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