Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 5月11日 01時14分

Photo by @Tim Laman. This Bent-toed Gecko is a species new to science that was discovered by herpetologist Paul Oliver in the Foja Mountains a few years ago and named Cyrtodactylus boreoclivus. One of the most exciting things I’ve had a chance to do as a @ナショナルジオグラフィック photographer and biologist is to accompany research expeditions like the one to the Foja Mts with scientists searching for new species and being there to photograph them for the first time. The Foja Mountains are uninhabited by humans and lie in a remote part of Papua, the Indonesian half of the big island of New Guinea. There is still a lot more to discover on this amazing island. #gecko, #Indonesia, #IndonesiaBiodiversity, #Papua, #FojaMountains, @thephotosociety, @natgeocreative, @Tim Laman.


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