デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月30日 04時16分

I am so fucking aware of bullshit that I could calibrate a bullshit detector to give more accurate readings. Nothing gets past me and if it does it's because I let it get by.
I've had success that was meaningless and failure that is worth more than a degree from the most prestigious universities. I have my bachelors degree in living. I don't know martial arts but I know words that could strike the heart so deep it's like a verbal five finger death punch.
I know patience - real patience. I know love - deep meaningful love. I have been a fucking shithead know it all when I knew nothing and I've been the smartest human in a circle of brainiacs. I've also been an angel to devils, held my tongue when it wanted to wag & I've swallowed so much pride I needed to check the calorie count.
I won't ever stop and I won't ever lose even if that means staying totally still coming in 5th place - I always move forward through adversity and when I win it just means I have another opportunity to share the wealth.
You want someone like me in your life and maybe it's the Boston in me - I am assertive and I will tell you where you need to commit and where you need to relinquish.
I love life and if you've passed through mine I hope you are well and thank you for whatever you did to me.... I'm right where I need to be.


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