ティナ・マジョリーノのインスタグラム(tinamajorino) - 4月22日 03時01分

To say I am gutted is an understatement. I lived for his music, for his fashion, for his commitment to authenticity and art. I wish there were words that could describe how influenced I've been by him and the inspiration he's given me through his countless albums. I've always said that he was the one artist who could make me starstruck if I ever got the chance to meet him. Prince, you are the coolest of the cool. Thank you for sharing your insane talent with us mortals. You were a beautiful alien among humans and for me you shall live on in glorious song for the rest of my days. "Electric word, LIFE. It means forever and that's a mighty long time. But I'm here to tell you, there's something else... The afterworld. A world of never ending happiness. You can always see the sun, day or night." Hope you're soaking up some rays. ❤️ #RestInFunk #Prince #Forever


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