デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月22日 02時18分

Prince was my favorite musician and Purple Rain is my favorite album. At a time when the world was all about Michael Jackson I secretly always dug Prince a little more. I think because he was a showman, genius musician and lyricist but mainly because he wasn't afraid to be raw, sexual and completely unique with his vision.
I'm totally shocked this man is dead at 57 when he should have been doing this for decades to come. We've all been robbed by his passing.
The last time I saw him was at the forum a couple years back and it's the best show I've ever seen. He was so next level that I remember thinking that no one could touch his musical abilities at that moment. My friend Al and I got to go to the after party and meet Prince and hang at his place where he played a private party there might have been 100 of us and I stood front and center watching Prince play guitar like he was being fast forwarded. Stevie Wonder then came out and they did many numbers together. It was a special night.
I am gonna miss Prince. Purple Rain on repeat all week and beyond. #mayulive2cthedawn


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