Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 3月21日 00時45分

"It is devastating what is happening in SE Angola", says one researcher. "old growth teak forests are being cut down on a massive scale, bush meat, diamonds, sugar cane, water abstraction..." @intotheokavango is in Angola again, gathering more data, compiling a deeper and more complete scientific record of the river systems, the Cuito and Cubango, that merge into one and ultimately feed the Okavango Delta with the majority of its water. The aim and the deep hope of the team is to provide enough hard data to Angola's government to catalyze the lasting protection of the system. The government has a great opportunity to act as stewards of the environment. That said, the devastation currently taking place isn't being addressed...something that must change. But it's a much more complex issue than environmental impact and protection. The sad truth is that people don't care about the environment when their basic needs aren't being met. Unfortunately, the majority of Angolans live in that struggle. It seems to me that the lasting protection of the landscape, any landscape, starts with caring for your people...and that's a change that starts at the top.


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