Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 3月17日 09時42分

@lynseydyer caught in a quiet moment in New Zealand. If you aren't following Lynsey, do. She is worth it. We read a book side by side...and sometimes we would read things aloud that resonated. The book was "Leaving Before the Rains Come" by my good friend and collaborator Alexandra Fuller. Alexandra's words, like Lynsey's presence, have a way of altering a a fresh coat of paint that hides nothing but changes everything. Strong women are a blessing. Im lucky to have them in my life...all of them, starting with my mom.

One passage that I had marked, and Lynsey subsequently read aloud to me when she came upon it was this: "And then there were colorful people who had no particular regard for rules as delivered by either God or man, and who were like Mum and Dad and everyone else I knew with their callused hands and their lithe hips and barbed-wire scratches on their arms. These people were soldiers because there was a war to be fought, and drinkers because there was tragedy to be endured, and farmers because there was food to be grown and tobacco to be smoked. These were the people whose lives were soil-stitched. They too knew what would happen to them if they were shot by terrorists or bitten by a snake, which is why they carried guns with them everywhere. They had the fraught, changeable expressions of those concerned with earthly business."


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