Bianca Cheah Chalmersのインスタグラム(biancamaycheah) - 3月13日 17時53分

#Hanumanasana or the #Splits. After starting yoga, the Splits took me about 6 months to get into. I find that it's a pose that most people want to conquer or learn. And it's a great pose to stimulate internal organs. For me the pose came naturally with plenty of hamstring, thigh, and groin stretches. The more I practiced yoga, stretched and sat in the key poses (sometimes for 10 mins at a time) the easier it became. Some key poses for incorporating the splits into your practice are pigeon pose, forward folds, deep lunges and dancers pose. Remember, don't force the splits. Listen to your body and learn to know the difference between what a deep stretch is and a painful stretch. Being in the pose should feel enlightening and good, never ever painful ??


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