ダフネ・ジョイのインスタグラム(daphnejoy) - 3月12日 12時46分

@Flavorgod Seasonings time! ? Hey fit fam! Wanted to share my yummy "Daphne's PB&J Chocolate Protein Pancakes" These are literally so BOMB! It's everyone's favorite ? I use @Flavorgod Seasonings Chocolate Donut sprinkles to add that extra chocolate taste!


In a blender add: 2 Ripe Bananas, 2.5 scoops of Chocolate Protein, 4 whole eggs. Heat a pan with coconut oil and make your pancakes! Plate and set aside.

In a saucepan add: 1.5 cups of organic creamy peanut butter, 2 cups of almond milk, 2 tbsp of agave syrup, 1 tbsp of @Flavorgod Seasonings Chocolate Donut. Heat on high and whisk until blended, lower to medium heat and continue whisking, then to low heat until it becomes a sauce. Set aside.

In a pan heat: handful of blueberries, 2 tbsp of agave syrup, 3 tbsp of water. Boil until blueberries burst and whisk until mixture becomes a compote!
Meanwhile, for garnish slice strawberries, and additional blueberries.

Plate your chocolate protein pancakes, drizzle the peanut butter sauce, top with the fresh blueberry compote, garnish with sliced strawberries, blueberries, drizzle on extra @Flavorgod Seasonings Chocolate Donut, and top with shredded coconut flakes!
Amazing !!! #FitMom #FlavorGod


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