マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 3月9日 07時42分

Man... These bitches ain't running shiiiit! Ha! ??? me and my son run errthang... Lying like fuck. #itsapinkplanet #gohilary #womenrule #novaginanolife looking at these shallow comments I laugh. I treat the women in my life that I love like royalty. You people are so brainwashed and shallow that a word can make u feel some type of way. It's sad. Holla at the ones I love and ask "how does Marlon treat you"? Answer "like queens"! I don't get caught up on words I define myself through action. My family eats without question, walk with confidence that their provider adores them, so if I use a word it's just that word. Irs my life, my relationships, my kids... None of your business. I'm me and I'm dope. Period. I love y'all but but with all due respect I'm unapologetically me. I'm love I'm light. If they ain't complaining... Shut the hell up. Goodnight and good love


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