トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月25日 20時38分

Here is my #smearforsmear selfie for @JoScervicalcancertrust helping to raise awareness for women to attend your smear test and reduce your risk of cervical cancer. You can donate by texting ‘JCCT16 £5’ to 70070 and they ask that you nominate a friend to do the same so I would like to nominate you all to please get involved and spread this message. I am currently undergoing treatment for abnormal cervical cells following a routine smear test which picked up on the changes. Please don't put it off, lives can be saved. God bless all who are facing the same ????? #ccad #ccaw #cervix #cervical #cancer #cervicalcancer #cervicalcancerawareness #jostrust #joscervicalcancertrust #awareness #help #support #inform #smear #smeartest #health #life #important #prevention #cure #girl #girls #woman #women #gethelp


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




