トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月24日 17時21分

Please excuse my super dark eyebrows they're healing from being tattoo'd, also excuse my door and mirror because it's the only full length one I have in my house to take pictures of my outfits so it might get a bit same-old-same-old after a while. But if you don't like how I stand, don't like how I look or don't like what I post then please don't ask me to change because I won't. I may have more issues than vogue but being what I'm not isn't one of them. You be you and I won't tell you what to do and I'll be me and jolly along through my day #notsorry why are some people so blahgoo? ?????????? #beyou #beyourself #expressyourself #unique #individual #happy #girl #selfie #mirror #samemirror #pose #samepose #sitonit #swivel #toofunny #wtf #somepeople #girl #girls #fashion #blogger #model #style #beauty #hair #eyebrows #vogue #ootd #ootn


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




