アリ・ラーターのインスタグラム(alilarter) - 1月20日 10時33分

These lamb shanks are divine. I'm going to give you a rough recipe right now because they are that good. Beautiful for a dinner party but my kids devoured them too! Lamb shanks with orange, fennel, and olives served alongside Parmesan polenta 4 lamb shanks
1 orange, sectioned
1 red onion- diced
1 fennel bulb- diced
4 garlic cloves- minced
A couple sprigs rosemary- chopped
Olive tapenade- or minced black olives
1 cup each; white wine, chicken broth, beef broth, chopped tomatoes

Preheat oven to 350. Heat a Dutch oven over medium high. Add a couple TBLS evoo. S & P lamb shanks and brown on all sides, about 10 minutes. Remove. Lower heat to medium and add chopped onion, fennel, garlic, and rosemary- sauté for 8 minutes or until softened. Add liquids and bring to a boil. Add browned lamb shanks. Cover and braise in the oven for 2 hours. Baste occasionally. Remove lid and cook for 30 more minutes. Serve with buttery, Parmesan cheesy polenta and watch them beg for more! Xx, A



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