National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 12月31日 02時12分

Photo by @hellokrisdavidson // At the end of a 5 day spring-winter migration in Laponia, Sweden, the reindeer have made it to the top of a mountain where they will find the food they need -- they’ll stay here to birth their young. The Saami, the reindeer keepers, are always around to check on their welfare. The day before this image was made, we were on another part of the mountain, and a mist rose. For a spell, there was no distinction at all between ground and sky. The horizon was gone completely, and we were enveloped in indistinguishable white. It remains one of the most surreal experiences of my life, and if not for the Saami who know how to navigate in white nothingness, it would have been terrifying. #Laponia #reindeer#Sweden


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