Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月13日 12時22分

The first time that I got kicked out of my house when I was a kid, it was Frankie Boy's fault, because I spent my Christmas money (That I received as a present) in buying his complete Reprise collection. The biological fool that got my mom pregnant didn't like that so I took my 20 CD's and left my house. I have named 2 of my kids after Mr Sinatra: Frankie and Blue, since Blue had the same color of the eyes than Frank. When I was 13, and for the next 5 years, I used to cook every Saturday in my mom's house, and I only cook if I was listening to Frankie Boy. And last but not least, in 1994, Mr Sinatra kissed Papa Bear good bye in the cheek. Today, Frank would have turned 100, and I read somewhere that he had a special toast that he would say every night that he was drinking: "Here's to the friends that are not here: Go to hell..."
Thanks for the memories Ol' Blue Eyes. I don't drink but tonight I'll have a Jack for you, and I'll use that same toast...
#FrankSinatra #Sinatra #blackjaguarwhitetiger


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