ミゲルのインスタグラム(miguel) - 12月11日 02時18分

so I'm kind-of on a road trip w my Dad and my Brother and this is the first thing we did when we got to Mexico... we visited the radio station my Nana sang for, in her 20's. So much love and passion for music in my blood, the thought of her has always inspired me. We sang one of her and my grandfathers favorite songs live on the air: "Contigo" de Los Panchos and this photo was taken right after, ha. I get so much of my spirit from my father, and he from my grandmother, so much of my determination. Anyway, I look and my dad and my brother and me in this picture and just smile... These moments are the ones that mean the most, the ones that remind you of who you are and where you come from, and all the determination it took to get you to where are are. All the love and the sacrifice. I m trying to find the words for how thankful i am... and I'm failing lol... But to all my family, Mexican, Black, blood or not, thank you so much, you really are my heroes.


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