キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 11月10日 02時38分

#todaysinspiration #Repost @jaywash
. @techcrunch & @meganrosedickey published this yesterday, "People of Color in Tech: 7 Black Engineers You Need to Know". appreciative of the recognition, and really dope to see my fam @nelsonhornstein and one of my mentors @erinteague highlighted as well!

lowkey, I'm not smart, lol. I spent many a nights in school on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I am the product of God's grace + favor, and countless friends, managers, mentors, etc. that believe in me. I've had an incredible journey in this field thus far - I hope that my story continues to be a source of inspiration to those who feel like they don't belong or can't do it. #boywouldyou #bossup #solideogloria #iluhgod


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