#MyStory: "When I got divorced, in the middle seventies. I couldn't even get a mortgage. So I took my settlement money. I got a less expensive house, and they made me pay it in cash. Everything was in my ex husbands name. They wouldn't give me a credit card in my name because I was a single divorcee woman. I needed to get a higher paying job to take care of my two sons. So I went to the employment agency and asked for a higher paying job, and he told me 'You absolutely can't get that job because absolutely nobody will pay you that amount of money.' So I saw an another ad or something about an opening. And I got the job. It was a chain of menswear stores. When I first got the job, I asked a saleswoman for advice and she told me, 'wear comfortable shoes' because she thought that there was no way on earth I could be a manager because I was a woman. But she didn't know that I was the first woman manager for a menswear store ever. I won manager of the year one year. So after that, I was managing a store in Manhattan, and one day the phone rings. I pick up the phone and he says 'Hello, I'm such and such from this employment agency.' And I recognized his voice. And I said, 'oh yeah! I remember you. You are the man who said I would never get this job.' So years later, the next level position for me was to be the distract manager. I would've oversaw all the managers in the region. Everybody thought I was going to get the job because I was very experienced and organized. So I go into work, I get a phone call. They said that they chose somebody else. They had chosen a man who trained under me. So I marched myself right down to the EEOC because I knew that they discriminated against me because I was a woman. So I filed a suit and I won it! And since then they have gone bankrupt." This was my grandmothers face when she told me that last sentence. My grandma is my woman of the year every year and I am so excited to see other women changing the world at #GlamourWOTY25 on Monday. @glamourmag ✨

rowanblanchardさん(@rowanblanchard)が投稿した動画 -

ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 11月8日 10時25分

#MyStory: "When I got divorced, in the middle seventies. I couldn't even get a mortgage. So I took my settlement money. I got a less expensive house, and they made me pay it in cash. Everything was in my ex husbands name. They wouldn't give me a credit card in my name because I was a single divorcee woman. I needed to get a higher paying job to take care of my two sons. So I went to the employment agency and asked for a higher paying job, and he told me 'You absolutely can't get that job because absolutely nobody will pay you that amount of money.' So I saw an another ad or something about an opening. And I got the job. It was a chain of menswear stores. When I first got the job, I asked a saleswoman for advice and she told me, 'wear comfortable shoes' because she thought that there was no way on earth I could be a manager because I was a woman. But she didn't know that I was the first woman manager for a menswear store ever. I won manager of the year one year. So after that, I was managing a store in Manhattan, and one day the phone rings. I pick up the phone and he says 'Hello, I'm such and such from this employment agency.' And I recognized his voice. And I said, 'oh yeah! I remember you. You are the man who said I would never get this job.' So years later, the next level position for me was to be the distract manager. I would've oversaw all the managers in the region. Everybody thought I was going to get the job because I was very experienced and organized. So I go into work, I get a phone call. They said that they chose somebody else. They had chosen a man who trained under me. So I marched myself right down to the EEOC because I knew that they discriminated against me because I was a woman. So I filed a suit and I won it! And since then they have gone bankrupt." This was my grandmothers face when she told me that last sentence. My grandma is my woman of the year every year and I am so excited to see other women changing the world at #GlamourWOTY25 on Monday. @Glamour Magazine


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Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
