クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 10月11日 02時40分

A big part of traveling for me is being open to the random moments that happen along the way. As much as I plan and educate myself before a trip I usually try to put all that aside and just go with the flow once I get there. As I boarded the train yesterday to the Gornergrat I saw a couple of paragliders heading to the top. I asked them if I could tag along on a tandem flight so I could shoot photos from the descent of klein Matterhorn.. Or the "top of Europe" So the next morning we made it happen. Lifting off from 12,740 ft elevation in -10 degrees was interesting. ❄️ but flying by the Matterhorn all morning made numb hands worth it.
@flyswiss @myswitzerland


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