ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 10月4日 20時19分

SOOOO happy!! The weather today was amazing???☀️. I get so frustrated when you try and organise a beach day with people and everyone takes so long getting organised and blah blah... so I took everyone's advice. I got up, had breakfast, took the dogs to the dog park with Tobi, came home, put my hair in a bun, put bathers on, got my towel and drink bottle and drove down to the beach. I put my towel down, headphones in and sat at the beach from 11am til 1:00 by myself listening to old school r&b music AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER? It was so nice to just sit by myself and do absolutely nothing at all for a few hours ☀️ www.kaylaitsines.com/guides #backtothebeachtomorrow

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Lena Spanksのインスタグラム
Lena Spanksさんがフォロー
