マシュー・ルイスのインスタグラム(mattdavelewis) - 10月2日 19時16分

Happy Birthday to my fitness adviser, sports clothing supplier, coffee buyer and life coach, Jason Davidson. Here's an oldie of the pair of us from 2011 with the Super League trophy he'd just won.

I know I bang on relentlessly about Leeds Rhinos but it's blokes like Davo here that make me so proud to fly the flag of this club. As Head of Athletic Performance he's been an instrumental part of the Golden Generation. Not only that but he's the nicest guy you'll ever meet and he's a pretty decent ball playing half-back on a Tuesday night too (even though his knees have gone!) Tonight's semi-final (Sky Sports 1, 7.30pm ?) is special for a number of reasons but particularly for this fella's birthday. All the best, pal!


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