ジャスミン・サンダースのインスタグラム(goldenbarbie) - 9月30日 14時17分

14+ years of friendship. NO ONE will ever come between us. If I don't tell you enough I'm telling you now... I appreciate every drop of blood that makes you, you. Thank you for accepting my bullshit, my heartache, my long hours of work, my drives down endless roads venting to you about pointless nothing's.... The list goes on. I love you. I thank you. I appreciate you. I wouldn't be me without you. Thank you ? @kingphilip1


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Scarlett Rose Leitholdのインスタグラム
Scarlett Rose Leitholdさんがフォロー
