National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 9月17日 07時09分

Photo by @andywcoleman // We are on a mission to see orangutans. Our destination is the Sukau Rainforest Lodge, deep in the rainforest along the Kinabatangan River. Running 560 kilometers, it's Borneo's longest river and its shores are teeming with wildlife. The lodge is a few hours boat ride away from the city of Sandakan in the Sabah province of #Borneo. Before we board our boat, we visited the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. It is at this orangutan orphanage that we get our first glimpse of the endangered primate. Sepilok provides medical care for orphaned and confiscated orangutans with the goal of rehabilitating them and returning them to the wild. We are blessed to be able to see dozens of orangutans in this intimate setting and learned how habitat loss is threatening the future of this noble creature. But we’ve come to Borneo to see animals in the wild, so we are off on our cruise to Sukau. To read more about our Lodges experiences, visit #natgeolodges #sukaurainforestlodge


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