スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 9月11日 23時53分

Obsessed with the panda cams?Put your totally healthy fascination to good use and help write the newest chapter of our #PandaStory. Thanks to the panda cams sponsored by the Ford Motor Company Fund, we’re able to share a behind-the-scenes look at the early days of a panda cub’s life in the den with his mom and all the days beyond. If you’re watching the cams, you’re seeing exactly what our panda experts see. Catch a good glimpse of the cub, an especially cute cuddle, or a unique giant panda behavior? Take a screen shot and upload the picture to our #PandaStory Flickr group. http://s.si.edu/1ULyUpT Once a week we’ll share a favorite posted by a panda cam fan. Today's shot comes from Flickr user elizams32! #PandaStory #FordInTheCommunity


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