Steph Paccaのインスタグラム(steph_paccaa) - 8月31日 11時46分

Time to be real! 👉🏻 so lately I've been receiving numerous comments from people like 'you look fat now' and 'she's got bigger'. With such a large following its obviously expected to get negative comments amongst all the nice comments you lovely people give me. But I just want to do a lil 'justifying' here 😊

I am not ashamed of my body. I'm not 100% confident - but I'm not afraid to be honest either. I have been training for most of my life.. For the past 5-6 years training and strict nutrition has been EVERYTHING my life revolves around. I have always put 100% into my workouts and most people that know me, know I spent countless hours in the gym instead of doing other things.

For the first time in so long I went on a proper 'HOLIDAY'. Every other time I have been away I have either been working (as a trainer) or travelling somewhere to train for something particular.
For the first time - I travelled for 6 weeks and gave my body a break. I enjoyed ALL the food I wanted to (gelato almost every day and a shit load of carbs). And it was fucking amazing. Yeah, you can see from the right photo I have gained body fat & I'm a lot 'softer' (left photo is 1 week before my holiday). I have never put on this amount of weight in such a small amount of time. But that's ok! Because you know what? I am only human. I know how hard it is to stick to a strict routine when you have distractions, when your enjoying yourself, and when your away from home. And for the first time I let my mind step over the guilt of not eating 'clean'. I am not saying I stopped training - I made sure I exercised almost every day. However training does NOT counteract a bad diet.
As soon as I got home I knew that this was very important to me. I am so motivated and now I will show all of you how much hard work it takes to achieve the results I had. I'll be posting much more regularly and will be watching my body CHANGE. Be real and accept the body you have. Work for the body you want.
Want to do this with me? Stronger, leaner, and fitter than ever before 💪🏻 My training program (Ebook) is still available in my bio✔️


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