ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 7月30日 07時00分

I'm not going to lie. I'm having a really hard time with my white balance. ? Wally looks like a strangely textured lavender ghost a lot of the time. For the first time ever I've been taking photos with a REAL camera - I'm trying so hard to learn the ways of the photographer. I refuse to use "automatic." Call me Molly-Manual. ☺️ I desperately need a lesson. (P.S. There are no known poisonous plants in my garden, but I lure Wally away from the flowers by feeding him greens as I photograph. It's like a circus act. I truly hope none of my neighbors are spying on me.) #thewoesofabeginnerphotographer

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