ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 7月28日 05時58分

"I'm courageously eating dandelion stems despite an impending TORNADO!" Is that so, Wally? "Yes! Can you not see the gallant face of a brave, fearless, rustic and rugged bunny ready to confront the forces of nature? His spirit lionhearted and dauntless as his ears thrash about in the turbulent wind?" What a vocabulary you've developed, Wally! "I've been playing a lot of Scrabble." (Wally's cheeks turn pink.) "I LIED! I've been using the dinosaurus." ... I'm not going to correct him in this moment because he'll feel embarrassed and discouraged from using the thesaurus again. I'll use it correctly in a sentence later and he'll catch on. Feel free to do the same in your comments. ?


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