アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 7月20日 05時11分

#rp @nickifioravante THISSS!
I'm gonna put this in my dream book. I have never been the boy crazy type. I've always just wanted a career. I didn't dream of a wedding and kids growing up. I dreamed of making music and money and clothes. I have known I was "special" for a long time, and not in an arrogant way. I just mean I am different. Weird. And that's ok. But recently I've come to the realization that I don't have to change those peculiar things to be loved by anyone. Though it is scary, I've been letting my freak flag fly in front of the ones I'm interested in and it feels awesome ? if you're gonna love Amber, you're gonna have to love all of her. If you're around for the opportunity and your career you won't last very long lol fortunately even though my relationships I've been in failed I know they were there because they liked the person I showed them. But this time around I will be even more free, honest, and open. Don't make the mistake of being someone's type. Just be you. They will either love it or leave it. And trust me, you're better off without it if they do. We deserve to be loved for our great attributes and loved THROUGH our bad. No one is perfect. Every piece of you flawed or otherwise deserves to be recognized. Live freely my loves! #notesfrommyjournal

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