カミール・グラマーのインスタグラム(therealcamille) - 7月2日 18時56分

This year, 30,000 mothers, sisters, friends will die from a GYN cancer. Join the movement to #endwomenscancer at www.endwomenscancer.org Due to lack of early diagnostic tools, GYN cancers are often diagnosed in late stages, resulting in poorer outcomes.Did you know - @GYNCancer raises awareness, provides research funding for new early diagnostic tools & better treatments to save more lives. Please support and Join the movement to raise awareness for these female below the belt cancers by joining The National Race to End Women's Cancer Sunday, Nov 8, 2015 in Washington, DC. Go to endwomenscancer.org and Join my Team, Camille's Crusaders or donate to this amazing cause. You can form your own team. I'm proud to be the Chair of this event. Please join us. Aloha ?

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