ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月18日 06時52分

They don’t shed, chew the sofa or bite the postman. But for thousands of people, @sony’s Aibo robotic dog — which was released in 1999 — was the closest thing to a real canine companion. So when the Japanese company stopped servicing the robots last year, owners faced a wrenching prospect: that their aging “pets” would break down for good. @canepari_til_i_die met Sumie Maekawa, 73, at a community meeting of a group of Aibo owners in Tokyo. “There are people who really care about these things and have a real level of affection for these machines,” he said. Sumie brought two dogs with her and kept one in her arms while the other pets ran around the room. “She would talk to it and she kissed it on the head a couple of times,” @canepari_til_i_die said. See @nytvideo for more. #nytrobotica


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