大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 6月16日 04時48分

This spectacular coin was issued by Edward the Black Prince, born #onthisday in 1330.
During the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) King Edward III of England, and his son Edward the Black Prince, issued a series of spectacular gold coins in their inherited duchy of Aquitaine.
Previous Aquitanian coinage had been made of silver, but, since Edward III was pressing his claim to the throne of France, he challenged the French king's monopoly of gold issues with these coins, which named himself as king of France. In 1362 Edward III invested his son with the rule of Aquitaine. The gold pavillon was to be his most common gold issue: a magnificent one, large and intricately designed. The Latin inscription names the prince as first-born son of the king of England (P[RIM]OG[E]N[ITUS] REG[IS] ANGL[IE]) and prince of Aquitane.
#history #coin


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