アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 6月1日 04時26分

One picture and a 15 second video and everyone thinks they have your life figured out. A friend of mine thought our other friend who lives out of state was divorced or separated because he stopped posting his wife. Turns out the wife was pregnant and because she had a miscarriage before she wanted to keep it a secret so she told her husband not to post photos of her until her third trimester. Everything isn't what it seems. Stop being fooled by social media and the illusions they create. Just because you see someone in the club with money or in expensive clothes and shoes and cars that doesn't mean they are happy. Their life isn't a formula for yours. You have to live your life and do what makes YOU happy! Material things won't matter in the end. Don't let it impress you too much. Having nice things is cool but having peace of mind and people you love around you and self respect. That's a priceless goal we all can achieve if we stay true to ourselves and our journey in life! Ok my mini sermon is over lol I love you guys!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




