アニ・ユドヨノのインスタグラム(aniyudhoyono) - 5月21日 18時40分

Menjadi Pembicara Kunci sekaligus Panelis bersama para mantan Pemimpin Dunia. Dari kanan ke kiri: Mantan PM Canada - Joe Clark, PM Australia - John Howard, Kanselir Jerman - Gerhard Schroder, SBY (tengah), PM Jepang - Yasuo Fukuda, Presiden of CPAFFC - Li Xiaolin dan Gubernur Jeju / Chairman Jeju Forum ke-10 - Won Hee-ryong. ➖

SBY as a Keynote Speaker as well as one of the Panelists, along with other former World's Leaders. From the right to the left: Former PM of Canada - Joe Clark, Former Australian PM - John Howard, Former German Chancellor - Gerhard Schroder, SBY (middle), Former Japanese PM - Yasuo Fukuda, President of CPAFFC - Li Xiaolin, and Governor of Jeju / Chairman of the 10th Jeju Forum - Won Hee-ryong.

#Jeju #JejuForum2015 #IndonesiaKorea #friendship #Indonesia #SouthKorea #ROK


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