キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月25日 05時25分

Little things matter. Where you habitually place your attention will determine the quality of your character. Complaining, while sometimes funny and often a pretty good coping mechanism, can become a habit. And a habit of complaining can easily turn into contempt and patterned subconscious negativity that only breeds more ill-will. There is always something good to see in every situation, no matter how small there is always a little ray of light that shines through. Make it a habit to give people (including yourself) the benefit of the doubt, see the positive in them, withhold your judgement, look for something to be grateful for even in difficult situations. Take an interest in other people, ask sincere questions, then listen fully and share yourself openly. Holding a handstand does nothing for you if you come down with a sour attitude. Better to fall, laughing and smiling along the way. Never loose sight of why you're here, what your mission is, that is, to share love, to be love, always, all the time. #bestrong #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @ifilmyoga


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