アンディー・トレスのインスタグラム(stylescrapbook) - 4月23日 03時10分

Smile has always been such a powerful and positive word for me, so two years ago I decided to hand write my perfect "Smile" -and tattoo it on my body. I chose to share it on my blog and I guess I never expected to see it would be copied so many times, in fact I was very surprised. I felt very strange about this and about the fact that something so personal was copied, NOT because of the word, but because my own handwriting was copied exactly.
A lot of my friends started to find all these tattoo photos on instagram and sent them to me. I do feel flattered in a way, that some girls decided to ink my handwriting on their bodies, what I find slightly irritating was to find a lot of these girls using my photos, chopping my head and writing it was them. I just wanted to share this as its something that bothered me a lot today as I found yet another person claiming to have designed my ink, which is obviously a lie. (EDIT for the people who clearly didnt read what I actually wrote; I was talking about the tattoo copies of the EXACT handwriting, which were in fact exact copies of my tattoo which I wrote myself. I was NOT talking about the general use of the word Smile in cursive. Me claiming ownership of that would be completely absurd). Bless!


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