ブレシャ・ウェッブのインスタグラム(breshawebb) - 4月19日 10時38分

DONATE to #SPIRITINTHEARTS http://www.spiritintheart.com to help raise funds for community programs for the inner city youth in Baltimore, Maryland. My bday #may6 is coming up and truly all I want is for the youth of Baltimore city to have more of the opportunities and free activities that I had growing up. Let's make their lives a little bit brighter by showing that we care. GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU. #DeltaSigmaTheta I'm not even in the sorority but I support them in making a difference. ✌️✊✌️? If you can attend #SPIRITINTHEARTS on #MAY17 at @Macedoniabaptistchurch in #bmore? http://www.spiritintheart.com link is in my bio?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



