キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 4月17日 23時20分

#day12 Why am I writing every day? What is #the100dayproject? It's a social media version of a grad school project conceived by professor Michael Bierut. The premise of his class was simple: each student chose one action to repeat every day for 100 days. For example, one student made a poster in under a minute every day for 100 days; another danced in public every day and made a video; another student, Rachel Berger, picked a paint chip out of a bag and responded to it in writing for 100 days. I like this project because it feels like an awesome accessible MFA program. Lots of us are night-owl artists and I thought this was such a cool way to hone and share your craft. In @elleluna's words, "The 100-Day Project makes process the great equalizer."


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



