デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月15日 09時32分

I wrote a post yesterday about my dad the fighter. Today I want to quickly give a message to all the young performers I know, have met or may not know but have seen and shared stages with or watched perform.
Never quit. Don't get discouraged. Work harder.
The last few days I've spoken with a lot of young artists that are reaching out to me for some personal reasons. The conversations have inspired me greatly. I remember being a new kid in town and how I always appreciated when the guys and girls that went through it before me would take some time to share perspective.
How does this tie into my dad? He passed away 8 years ago today. He didn't complete certain personal goals in his life. He didn't have someone to go to to get perspective.
His misstep gave me a gift. Understanding. I want you to know if you come up and introduce yourself to me I would always and have always been there for you. I get it. I feel you. And I know the struggle as well as the exhilaration that goes with this lifestyle.
Thank you pops. You gave me so much. And learn more and more even since you've gone.
Stay inspired and remember that if you quit than you're right it was impossible. But if you stay and you create a space for yourself you will be shocked at the results.
See you at work.
It ain't a dream if you make it your reality.


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