ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月11日 08時04分

Steve Cannon on one of his last days inside his former apartment on East Third Street, near Avenue C, in #Manhattan. @gaiasquarci spent several weeks documenting life at A Gathering of the Tribes, the gallery and salon Steve created inside the three-story townhouse he bought in the early 1970s. The building became a gathering spot where he and friends, including many from the nearby Nuyorican Poets Cafe, held wide-ranging conversations that lasted all night. But last year Steve, who is 79 and blind, moved out of his home of more than 40 years and into an apartment a few blocks away. “It’s the same spirit here,” he said. "Only there’s less room and fewer people stopping by.”


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