ウエストコーストチョッパーズのインスタグラム(popeofwelding) - 4月8日 21時39分

Anytime I hear a kid in college asked that stupid question "So have you decided what you want to do?". The kid always gives the same dumb response "Well I've got to see how many credits I am going to have to apply towards a major" or Bla Bla Bla... Here's the facts. College is not going to teach you what YOU want to do. You already know what you want to do. It's a calling like a tickle in the back of your brain. That tickle is your Dream, your passion. It's the thing you are afraid to do. It's the thing you really want to master, but you are afraid of people thinking you're crazy. That's what I did in 1992 I quit my $100k a year bodyguard job so I could build custom motorcycles. Every Single Motherfucker in my life thought I was an idiot (except one Hells Angel friend) but I just did it. I went out an scratched and clawed to get the knowledge I needed to do what I wanted to do. I was willing to work all day everyday till I built stuff that looked like a pro did it. I was also willing to pitch the stuff that looked like shit in the dumpster.
So if you are waiting for a better time to follow your dream? It ain't coming. Listen to that tickle and Fuck what everyone thinks. You will hit a lot of bumps in the road, but in the end you will be doing what YOU are suppose to do.



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