コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月6日 01時04分

•Life is a humbling experience. From the immensity of the universe to the merciless pull of gravity there is seldom an hour where I don't recognize our transient place in the cosmos. • In Florence, Italy, a wonderful city of magnificent cathedrals, I'm awed by the centuries of knowledge this city encompasses. In the 14th century Florence was the center of innovation for thought, science and art. The Renaissance is noted for several polymaths - DaVinci and Michelangelo among others - whose curiosity and imagination welcomed observational science and realism in art. • Walking in the rain, on a street over two millennium old, is a reminder of the inexorable march of time and how brief our existence is.
# happyeaster ??? @jenniloweanker


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